Awakening to Humanity’s Sacred Mission

Awakening to Humanity’s Sacred Mission

An International Symposium and Call to Action

February 9-11, 18, 2024

This uniquely inspired online global event is primarily dedicated to hosting the vision of Ervin Laszlo and his powerful call to “Awakening Humanity’s Sacred Mission.” The international Symposium is a collaboration sponsored by Purpose Earth, produced by UNITY EARTH in deep partnership with the Source of Synergy Foundation, Laszlo Institute, The Holomovement, One World, Unify, Light on Light, SINE Network, Hubcast Media, Connection Field, Good of the Whole, My Green Pod and other global organizations.

This event stands out due to its unprecedented global collaboration and its core focus on deep engagement. It serves as a worldwide rallying point for Humanity’s Sacred Mission, emphasizing actionable steps and mass mobilization in transformative movements for the greater good.

“Awakening to Humanity’s Sacred Mission” is based on the proposition that humanity has a sacred mission, and that seeking and advancing this shared sacred mission is of urgent and vital interest. The religions and spiritual traditions speak of this mission of humanity, and claim that we have a sacred or divine obligation to pursue it.

The Symposium seeks to uncover key aspects of the sacred mission of humanity, and to highlight its meaning for our life and future. This global event will also be offering a variety of powerful action invitations to the audience to join together in awakening our shared sacred mission.

Pursuing a sacred mission gives people meaning in life, helping to overcome pessimism, inertia and depression. Those who awaken to their sacred mission then become a part of a great wave of consciousness “upshifting” humanity toward our next level of consciousness.

The dates February 9-11 are across the Lunar New Year 2024 which will be the beginning of the Year of the Dragon.

The Symposium will have two sessions each day for three days (February 9-11), to cover all time zones. Both sessions on any single day will cover the same daily theme with a variety of speakers. There is also a Harvest Day with two sessions a week later on February 18th to follow up and follow through for the audience and speakers.

Attendees/participants are invited to participate in one session each day including the harvest day in order to complete attendance at the Symposium. They are not expected to attend both sessions on any given day but may if they so choose.

Session 1 times 10 am EDT – 1pm EDT / 4pm CET – 7 CET
Session 2 times 6pm EDT – 9 pm EDT / 10am AEDT – 1pm AEDT

Symposium 2024 Poster

Session Structure:
Each session of three hours consists of 90 minutes of broadcast quality content featuring thought-leaders, academic content, and panel presentations, followed by 90 minutes of facilitated audience reflection, shared experience, breakout sessions, and commitment harvesting.

All speakers are invited to bring their own calls-to-action (CTA) and the partner organizations each have their own invitations as we collectively Awaken Humanity’s Sacred Mission.

In 2022 the UNITY EARTH Symposium launched the theme of “Coming Home Together” which carried all the way through World UNITY Week and the 99 Days of Peace through Unity”.

In 2023 the Symposium was dedicated to “Visions for a New Earth”.

In 2024 we’re collectively Awakening to Humanity’s Sacred Mission.

Hourly Schedule

February 9th

10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Session 1
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Session 2

February 10th

10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Session 1
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Session 2

February 11th

10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Session 1
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Session 2


Feb 09 - 11 2024

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